Over the past few years I've been listening to the hype about for "Going Green" and I've had the best intentions to start living a greener lifestyle. I've thought long and hard about recycling. I've pictured myself composting. I've even watched a good many television shows dedicated to the aspects of living in a more eco-friendly manner.
Going green is a great in theory but, just like Communism; there are some issues with putting it into practice. It is not that I am unwilling, it is just that it seems like it would take a complete transformation of my American consumer-driven lifestyle. I like my lifestyle. Unfortunately, I think the environment does not approve of my lifestyle. Like a straight-laced parent dismayed at their teenager's purple hair and vampire-like friends, I know the planet is saying that my choices are causing some chagrin. So I suppose that wanting to do the right thing must evolve into actually doing the right thing. I can no longer lurk in the shadows of the environmentally minded; smiling and nodding at my friend's stories about cloth diapers and solar panel installation. Instead of secretly being jealous of others who have incorporated going green into their lives, I want to be the person that makes other people feel bad for not doing enough to reduce their carbon footprints. But more than that, I want to eschew the modern age to which I've become so addicted. I find myself longing for a simpler time, a less complex world.
Quite a conundrum, wanting to rid my life of the toxic things progress has imposed and at the same time feeling a sense of dread when I can't get service on my cell phone. I want it both ways. I want to have all the convenience of 21st century lifestyle in a fashion that doesn't continue to cripple the sustainability of our resources. That's why I decided to start this blog, to explore simple steps to becoming greener within the context of my hectic modern life. I figure if I can find ways to make small changes and substitutions I will not find myself grieving the loss of those things I've become accustomed to and I will no longer have to simply fantasize about all the wonderful things I'm doing for the planet.
Wish me luck and feel free to share any ideas you might have!